Actually studing arts in de UdG.
Win the segond place in the Desing And Innovation Award with the piece Anywhere and the Tree in the CEDIM
After that, the same piece is exposed in the Museo de Vidrio Alberto Barovier, Monterrey Nuevo León. 2008.
The first place in a contest of bodypainting in the university UdG
Participation in the 2.- Foro por la Diversidad Cultural with 3 paintings.
Participation in the colective show Las ventanas del Alma in the Centro Cultural de Cortázar, Guanajuato.
An other blodypaint for the protest for the animal rights.
Was invited to the La muestra de Arte y Cultura in the Universidad de Ocotlán, where realized a bodypaint with performance.
Her first individual show“Los Pecados del Pincel” in the “La Casa de las Musas”.
Participation in the proyect Record Guinness with the biggest graffitti in the world.
Participate in the exposiction Calaveras Indepencieras Revolucionadas in the Casa Nahual.
Exposicition Caos Colectivo with the group Artarteen in the Bar Fbolko
Exposition Manos al Aire in the Centro Cultural Arnulfo Villaseñor.
Exposition Visuales de la UdGCon with Condensado in the Centro Cultural Vallertense in Vallarta Jalisco.
Exposition with Condensado in Vallarta Jalisco in the La Cuiza - Galería Bar
Exposition “Desde el Fondo de mi Hipotálamo” with Condensado in the Instituto Arnulfo Villaseñor
Participate in the Segundo Congreso Internacional de la Juventud, with the pieces from No Mas Sangre
Second individual exposition Bienvenue Au Banquet. Chair et Viande. in the galerie Apollinarine